Friday, December 18, 2009


I am in Tacoma, Washington for the holiday's not to far from Seattle. It's early and I am writing to you with the hopes of encouraging you this season.

My family and I share a home in South Carolina,with my in laws. We spend a lot of time together there holiday time and summers. We all pitch in to keep things in order but have this crazy garbage drawer- its a drawer where we put the trash-but it's big and awkward and has been known to fall off the tracks and on your foot impaling small toes and making you scream. In an effort to keep that from happening too often the former owners and now my father in law, have engineered a small tie around a screw on the main part of the drawer to keep it from extending far enough to fall out and make a grown person cry when it hits your foot. The funny thing about this tie is it's so small and tied so funny no one can get it off but my father in law. I try (because that is how I am) and I say the same things over and over again.."why would anyone put this crazy tie... blah blah blah"

Oftentimes I go back to the same observation- If my father in law weren't there to remove the tie then how would we do it? We have figured out how to pull the bag out but if it's full we will sometimes tear the bag and make a big mess.

Do you have things in your life that you have made impossible for anyone else to do?
Do you find you are the only one who knows how to do that in turn making peace and quiet and days off a thing of the past?

I can remember in the craziest time of my training for the competition, leaving the house at 5:30am to train. I would get home at 7am for which my kids we off to school already dressed and fed, homework in hand. My husband isn't one of those guys who said "sure honey leave the kids to me" No, at first it was painful. But after a while he got the hang of it and really he's good at it. If I had given in or not let him be in charge I may not have been able to get away and train. I know the conversations that run through our heads about who deserves what but honestly there has to be give and take.

If you have some thing in your life that you can let someone else do.. try it and free up some time for yourself. No, the trash can thing doesn't hold up my father in law and yes, he still enjoys his life, but some of us have obstacles very similar that add up.

Take off the tie and let the drawer fall, some one else can change the method better yet worry about something really important and don't sweat the small stuff.

Most people feel like they can't lose weight because they don't have time. Finding ways to have others help frees you up and makes it possible for you to have more time. Think about.. what's keeping you away from the gym?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to post, even on vacation! Yesterday was wild being cooped up with no power, cooking on a camp stove..and I am still snowed in. Today is Pilates day with the video and I am doing a little cleaning in the basement. Have a wonderful time with your family and I understand the analogy of the droor far too well!
