Thursday, December 24, 2009

How to survive Christmas

This time of year can be so stressful. I know, I came home to see family I haven't seen in five years and it has been crazy. I love my family but much of the past seems to jump up like a sleeping dragon and I feel like I am ten again. I have been forced to balance my feelings of Christmas past with the new innovative feelings I have about life and times of the present and I wanted to share my observations with you.
1. Don't take anything too seriously- I saw this Santa and I couldn't help but take a picture. I know it's in poor taste and shame on the people who did this *wink* but who can't laugh for just a minute at this one? I loved it. It reminded me in the big picture things are very good and life is full of gifts. No, you can't pick your family and sometimes even your friends and loved ones picked you first but they are yours-try to take care of them, do no harm and be reminded that it can always be worse.

2. Make it fun, even when its not- I have to be honest this is hard time for food. I can justify just about anything. I try to eat right but sometimes even the best of us slip. I try to cook for the family I am staying with and pick as often as I can where we eat, so I can eat well. I find if I do the best I can and most of what I should I feel better and less stressed. I made this Christmas tree turkey meatloaf added a tomato and cucumber salad for the Christmas color and some vinaigrette and what fun our food had become!! I am also doing what I can like stretching and moving even though I am not at the gym-taking the family dog for a walk,kids to play and trying to recruit others for yoga (no luck yet)
3. Don't do traditional for traditional sake- I decided this year given the economy and the costs to get to Seattle that my immediate family(my father and mother,sister and her family, and my family) would get a hotel room Christmas eve with a pool and other fun amenities and spend time together as a family instead of giving gifts. We would take care of our own family and also give small gifts to the kids but other than that no gifts. Tonight (or whenever you read this) my family will have our first Christmas eve slumber party. Swimming and playing, movies and snuggling we will try to change the tradition and make new memories. Some of our extended family aren't sure why we would for go gifts and do such a thing (it doesn't feel traditional) ! I know it doesn't but what I know is the best gift we can give is the gift of ourselves.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

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