Monday, October 31, 2011

Tricks aren't really treats!!

5 ways into treating yourself to a healthy holiday -

It can be a trick more than a treat to avoid temptation during the upcoming holidays. One of the best ways to avoid getting into trouble is to take each holiday one at a time. October brings Halloween and with Halloween , candy and temptations difficult for anyone struggling with a healthy lifestyle or not. The common trick we fall for at Halloween is the “small size” candy and the perception that one or two “won’t hurt” finding after a week of picking small pieces we have finished much of the bag we planned for our trick or treat buckets. So what are some ways to avoid being tricked into making less desirable choices?

1) buy the candy on the day of Halloween- many times we think buying  ahead of time will be a good plan, only to find temptation and an empty bag of candy
2) buy your least favorite candy (if you must buy candy) If you love a certain type of chocolate candy buy a tart candy or hard candy instead.
3) give something other than candy- popping up more and more are play-dough in small size gift containers, pretzels, popcorn in small ready-pop bags
4) When children bring home candy - there are two options- take out the few favorites and offer two options with the rest- Some dentist offices are offering cash for candy and children like cash-  send it to a solider overseas, lots of sites are offering ways to ship candy- take it to the local retirement community- everyone loves candy.
5) Throw away candy in the middle of November. If it lingers in the drawer or pantry it only becomes a greater threat.

Holidays come every year and each year instead of enjoying them we worry about the set backs with eating too much sugar or not being able to say no to the temptations. However, viewing each holiday as an opportunity to form better habits and make better choices you can create and pass on the skills to the next generation of children. As childhood obesity and obesity in America grows holidays can focus more on family and fun and less on food. So don’t be tricked this holiday and monitor the treats and you can have a successful holiday.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Almost Impossible

Has someone ever told you this? Which word did you focus on the "almost" or the "impossible"?
 Having a walk with a great client we talked about the words her doctor used when talking to her about losing weight-" due to your medical condition- it will be almost impossible to lose weight" she said for a while she didn't try and then when she wanted to try she didn't have the confidence to do it. Today she has lost over 30 lbs and looks completely different. She feels good about herself and is making very important life changes so it will be forever.  Which word have you picked to focus on? I like to work from the almost and never from impossible!!!

Here's more from her story:
As I saw the scales slowly inch up and up until I had topped out at 218lbs, I realized that I had begun to isolate, withdraw from church and friends, and make all kinds of excuses on why I could not lose weight. All it took was for the Dr to say it would be "almost" impossible for me to lose weight because of the meds I was on and type 2 diabetes. I completely missed the word "almost". I had grown out of all my clothes. I could wear my husbands sweats, and most days stayed in lounge clothes because I couldn't fit in my jeans any more. I would offer to keep the grandchildren overnight on the weekends so I would have an excuse not to go to church and face people that had watched me get bigger. All of my Sunday clothes were tight! I felt ugly and sloppy. I could not look at myself in the mirror because of how fat my face looked. I couldn't get enough bangs to hide my face! My blood sugar was out of control because I was cycling with sweets and carbs. I would not undress in front of my husband because in my mind I knew I was not a pretty site, even tho he had NEVER said that. I looked at myself in the mirror that was on the closet door, and saw all the dimples and bulges in my legs and thighs, and I just kept eating the wrong foods! My diabetic Dr wrote a note after one of our office visits and said, "If Mrs Allen would only eat right, she could cure her diabetes". When I read this, it was like a stab in my gut because it was as if he had given up on me, but I had given up on myself. I thought I was ready to commit to a healthy way of eating, but at the first stressful situation, I would relapse into old habits. I was desperate in February because I had lost all hope of ever losing weight. My liver Dr  had said that if I don't lose the weight I will have to have a liver transplant. The feelings of guilt were taking over that I was failing my family and friends and myself by not being committed. A friend told me about The Telephone Fitness Trainer and how she had helped him. I had started feeling that I could not do it by myself any longer and reached out for help. I wondered if she could actually help me but went ahead, took a deep breath and wrote that e-mail with all my

"stuff" going on and I was so thankful when I saw those words "Call Me!"!! The next 8 months have changed and saved my life! Thank you for having me look back at where I have come from becasue I never want to go back to that feeling of hopeless and helplessness, isolating and withdrawn and miserably unhappy! 

Monday, October 10, 2011

What you may not know!!!

I love what I do. I am sure that is no surprise, at least I hope it's not. I am so blessed to wake up everyday and think that "today- I get to help someone have a better, more successful day" I stumbled into this position in life because I couldn't find work when my husband and I were living in Germany. I didn't know it would be my passion and I didn't know a dead end in one place would lead to a yellow brick road in another. I have for the past seventeen years of this life- giggled that in my soul laid this deep desire to help people be stronger and live life well. I never looked back at the B.S. in Law Enforcement - the M.A. in Human Resources and wondered if I waisted time, but I am so relieved I never gave up on my dreams. I didn't know fitness and my position in it would lead to so much success. I don't know if you know this either but fitness is a little like being a teacher - it won't make you rich - but the payoff is the purpose that drives the spirit.

What you may not know is there are a few things I don't like-
It's hard----
-Watching people lose years and give in to the temporary fix that leads them right back to the same place-
I see so many lose love, profession and protection of self esteem over food, isolation and an unwillingness to do some very hard work. I watch marriages fall apart, lives lived broken and the sad faces of some very lonely people who need a strength that can be introduced by having the will to be well.
I talk to people over and over and think "do they know  what wonderful things lie inside them? do they know this flesh hides more than their love of self but their sole's purpose?"

Today more than ever it's struggle and I think it might be easier to get into real estate with my family make a lot of money or do something less meaningful but more consistent and the truth remains when you love what you do - it picks you.

I hope you'll consider sending this on. I can help and would love to help but I am only seeking those who are ready to do the hard work, find the right place to go and do it for the right reasons. Those unwilling, unmotivated need not apply this work I do is n

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Run For Your Life

It's that time again- Get outside and run!! Need help or motivation- send me a note and I can tell you how I can help!

There are different reasons why people engage in running or jogging.  Some run for health reasons, which means that they see running as a way to get physically fit.  Others are more specific in their goals and motivations on hitting the road.  There are runners who engage in the activity to lose that excess weight.  Still, others see running as a means to release stress and tension.
There is another group of runners who enjoy this form of sport for the simple fact that they find it leisurely.  Running can actually be a leisurely way of spending time with family and friends, or a way of meeting new acquaintances, and even starting new relationships. For the more serious, running is for sports and competition.  To compete with other runners or joggers in a race gives them their natural high.

Whatever the reason may be, running and jogging are definitely beneficial to a person's well-being.  A person who is into regular jogging or engages in a running program is bound to be physically fit.   Running burns fat and enables a person to lose more calories per minute as compared to other forms of cardiovascular exercise.
Running also helps prevent muscle and bone loss that naturally accompanies old age.  The pressure that is created on the knees and legs during running actually help strenghten bones, muscles and ligaments ---- provided that one runs in a proper manner.  Regular daily tasks such as sitting in front of the computer the whole day weakens the bones unlike when one goes for a run.  Regular, high-intensity exercises have been proven to encourage human growth hormone, keeping our internal anatomy from getting old fast while helping us to look young and vibrant.
The ability to resist illness is another benefit that can be attributed to running or jogging.  Amazingly, it reduces the risk of heart stroke and breast cancer that doctors have made it a point to include regular running as a treatment option for those patients with early signs of osteoporosis, diabetes, and hypertension.  The risk of heart attack is greatly reduced by running which lowers blood pressure and maintains the elasticity of arteries.
Running also aids in raising HDL or good cholesterol, reducing the risk of blood clotting, and promotes 50% of lung function that is usually not being used.  Also, the immune system gets that needed boost from running by producing a higher concentration of lymphocytes or white blood cells that is crucial in fighting illnesses.
The list of the rewards you can get from running does not end with improved health but extends to psychological benefits as well.
As if the health benefits of having a regular jogging or running program is not enough, there are also mental or psychological advantages and rewards to be reaped from running such as building your self-esteem and self-confidence, gaining an effective tool for stress management, the attitude boost, and the runner's high.

Running allows the person to have a sense of pride, empowerment and freedom due to the knowledge that his/her body is at its best and capable of climbing the uphill or clearing the obstacles on the way.      The confidence-building and improved self-image goes hand-in-hand with losing weight. Running builds confidence like few other individual sports can. It allows the runner to defeat trial after trial, growing stronger and more sure of themselves with each stroke and stride.  It allows a runner to literally climb hills, overcome mountains, and clear obstacles. It provides a feeling of empowerment and freedom that comes with knowing that your legs and body are strong and capable. Confidence is even more a product of running for those who lose weight and gain a better self-image through running.  Indeed, a day's jogging can greatly reduce stress levels and tension.

Inspite of the great benefits attributed to running and jogging, one must not overlook the fact that caution is needed in everything.  Too much running may cause a person to lose a lot of fluids in the body more than what he/she takes in.  This will result to dehydration.  Dehydration will not only cause a runner to slow down but can also cause muscle spasms in the legs due to the depletion of essential electrolytes in the body.  Muscle spasm is the involuntary contraction of a muscles in the legs that is which can last for a few seconds or may extend to several minutes, and is often very painful. Sometimes, it is called ìcharley horse.î  The muscle does not simply relax by a mere wishful thinking.  Deep breathing and relaxation exercises may help the muscle to relax a bit.  More often than not, people actually contract other muscles in response to the pain of a charley horse, which can make the duration of the muscle spasm longer.  To counter dehydration, one must restore the proper balance of water in the body.  Stay away from caffeine in coffee, sodas, and tea.  Caffeine is a diuretic.  It makes you urinate more frequentlythan you usually need to.

Before you engage in a running or jogging program, be sure to consult your doctor to check on the condition of your health, especially your heart.  Make sure your limbs are properly stretched to avoid any muscle injuries.  Drink lots of water or other fluids to avoid dehydration.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We are in trouble.... Kids are FAT!

I did the BMI testing for the Buncombe county school system. I have taken the height and weight of over 13,000 children. Converting the information to BMI (body mass index) and using the percentile to establish where children are in the spectrum of weight. I am unable to discuss the specific things I am seeing but I can tell you... we are in trouble.

I have recorded this data for three years. I have seen children that I tested last year and the year before come through the lines for height and weight, getting bigger and bigger. There are children that weigh more than I do and I must say it always shocks me.  North Carolina childhood obesity rate is over 20 percent and although the numbers stay the same it's too much. Typically a child will grow two inches and ten pounds, this year and in years past, with children who are obese it can be up to thirty pounds per year and sometimes four inches. If a child grows thirty pounds more than three years in a row that can add up.

Why do we say "childhood obesity"? I know many people who would like to call it child abuse due to the simple fact that children aren't buying groceries. Do the school systems share the blame? School lunches make kids fatter. Middle schools offer extreme lunches, a choice of pizza, fried chicken or burgers and that is available everyday. It's hard to make good choices and when the choice you want is in your face everyday - who can say no?

I, like many, shy away from placing blame. But could identifying the source be the catalyst to change? Should someone or some organization take a step toward making good changes by identifying a source? Or is it really too vague to decide who is at fault? Are parents really the only ones to blame?

In the coming months I plan to write a series of articles taking on this subject both as a mother  and  a fitness professional. I know this subject can be touchy but we need to start some where.

Friday, March 25, 2011

A much needed break!!

I did it! I finally decided I need to take a break from competing. I really love it and I would love to do more but I have to admit it's too hard right now. I do a lot and busy is my most productive mode but I must admit I met my match. I stepped on stage in KY in February and I felt great. I did more than I have ever done, worked the hardest I have every worked and I was ready. However,I took fifth, now don't feel sorry for me I know being fifth in a competition where one phenomenal body is compared to another is not cause for tears but I wanted to do better. I wanted to really show up and represent. (holler!!) But looking back I also designed several t-shirts took 300 of them as inventory spent the day setting up, selling and talking to everyone. I was exhausted and given I have two children,a busy family and a husband who needs me (which is also a good thing) it's a wonder I was even able to do what I did!

So the self -flogging has stopped and I have settled into a somewhat "normal" life. I can't go backwards and now the trick will be ~ staying committed to the lifestyle when I won't be stepping on stage in my tiny swim suit any time soon. It's a great thing having the fear of everyone seeing you half naked to keep you honest.. but now? So the real contest begins- the one where I can let every thing be for nothing and travel over to the dark chocolate  side or stay on the fruit, nuts and berry side of good health and sharp deltoids... I must decide ~but like you I too will be given a choice that I will have to make everyday- "Is everything I did to get here going to stay?" I wish I could tell you it gets easier but honestly I think it may just be harder now. I know what to do and how to do it but will I? I hope so.. I plan to have three ways to keep myself honest-

1- Sticking to a normal food plan allowing myself one day of being less careful

2- Managing calories and activity to make sure numbers work for my budget

3- working on enjoying my life a little more participating in  the fun things I want to do and not making food the fun.

It seems simple but I think these three can be the hardest. I also plan to pull out old photos and make sure I remember how I  used to look compared to now. I almost can't believe it and I feel so much better now.

I will keep you posted. I hope you can also stick to the plan...

Train Hard .. Finish Strong!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Out of control

I just finished my first of four competitions for this year. I have trained for the Northern Kentucky since December and have been very strict with my eating for over three months.  I was very proud of how I did ,in spite of taking fifth place, and felt I had done very well. Following the competition, I planned to give myself a guilt free week and was going to eat many of the things I had not had in many months. I started with a good steak on Saturday night and was quickly reduced to many of the crappy things I haven't eaten in months prior to this competition.  I love Oreo cookies and I have good memories associated with them. My father and I share  a love of them and would often eat them together. I decided I would have them as part of the wrap up of my "guilt free" week. This week consisted of eating things like pancakes , french fries and coffee with cream although I "deserved" the break my body suffered greatly. My system has revolted and I have not felt well. Pair that with a week filled with emotional issues of feeling out of control and I have just not felt like myself. Nonetheless, I planned to have the Oreo's and chose to go with the bite size bag and not just a big cookie package- risky move for sure to bring home over 2500 calories in a cookie I love. I bought a small bag with 850calories in it. Definitely I ate all of it- yes. scary but true, Jolene the personal trainer, competitive body builder and someone who knows better ate a bag of Oreo cookies. I must tell you however, it was not as I had hoped. I laid in pain on the floor of my gym trying to make sense of what I had done. I had the worst headache that couldn't be cured and felt sluggish. I wanted to be sick but knew that I needed to connect this feeling with food that does my body no good. I suffered for about two hours until the headache went away and swore I wouldn't do that again.

I learned a lesson with my guilt free week- there is no such thing. I also learned that now the comfort food I had relied on in the past was no longer a comfort. It dawned on me (and scared me a little) that I had elevated my feelings to a place where food could not be the cure and in fact I put myself  in a position to be vulnerable and face things head on.  I was sad, much like losing a old friend who seemed funny and toxic all at the same time, I was overwhelmed with the idea that my "normal" was not the same.

The happy ending is today I am back on a meal plan that is healthy and manageable. I allow myself a little room to move but can't do processed, chemical or destructive to my system anymore. It's taken three years to evolve to this and I am still far from perfect. I am happy however that today my body can decipher between food that harms and food that heals.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Paul Chek: Cardio vs Free Weights [ cortisol running aerobics mus...

Party Rules!!

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl and many of you may be attending parties. This can be a great time for  many of you or it can be a big disaster! When the damage is done and the day after the regret sets in, you realize the number of calories you may have taken in it won't seem like much of a party. When you are trying to be safe, lose weight and stay on a plan it can be easy to avoid a penalty in the game of weight loss. Follow these rules and you won't have to watch the replay in horror or challenge the call when your body adds the two pound mistake or worse......more than two!

1) Take food you can eat! Leaving the fate of your food in the hands of others is the first mistake. Take food to the party you can eat. Take something tasty and low in calories to share.  Educate your friends about things that are healthy and also taste good. Get on line and get some ideas from cooking sites.
2) Don't eat standing up- Not only is the behavior called "grazing" it can be a big mistake and you can consume a large number of calories in a short amount of time. Sit down and enjoy your choices, taking your time to eat and actually taste the food.
3)Count the calories- Don't "save up" calories to eat at the party-- when you are hungry you do more damage than just having a reasonable number of calories left and enjoying smaller portions. If you don't know how many calories something might have steer clear- and if you have to think hard about the calories it's best to not risk it. Remember this isn't forever there will be other parties. Just like going to the gym saying "no" takes practice and exercising good judgement is as crucial as exercising your muscles.
4) Drink lots of water- Water makes you feel full and can help you eat less. Often with these parties diet sodas trigger the need for other foods, and often times sweet rewards. Be careful!!
5) Get to know the people at the party- Some of us come home with more information about the food and ingredients than the names of the people at the party! Spend time socializing and get to know someone you haven't met before. Keeping yourself busy can keep you from the food. Eating can sometimes be a response to nerves and can be sabotage. Offer to help with dishes, run games or hand out name tags, being busy can be just what you need to avoid eating.

I hope you'll stay in between the lines and not get called out of bounds. Make this super bowl a touch down for your goals!!

Train Hard Finish Strong!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011