Monday, October 10, 2011

What you may not know!!!

I love what I do. I am sure that is no surprise, at least I hope it's not. I am so blessed to wake up everyday and think that "today- I get to help someone have a better, more successful day" I stumbled into this position in life because I couldn't find work when my husband and I were living in Germany. I didn't know it would be my passion and I didn't know a dead end in one place would lead to a yellow brick road in another. I have for the past seventeen years of this life- giggled that in my soul laid this deep desire to help people be stronger and live life well. I never looked back at the B.S. in Law Enforcement - the M.A. in Human Resources and wondered if I waisted time, but I am so relieved I never gave up on my dreams. I didn't know fitness and my position in it would lead to so much success. I don't know if you know this either but fitness is a little like being a teacher - it won't make you rich - but the payoff is the purpose that drives the spirit.

What you may not know is there are a few things I don't like-
It's hard----
-Watching people lose years and give in to the temporary fix that leads them right back to the same place-
I see so many lose love, profession and protection of self esteem over food, isolation and an unwillingness to do some very hard work. I watch marriages fall apart, lives lived broken and the sad faces of some very lonely people who need a strength that can be introduced by having the will to be well.
I talk to people over and over and think "do they know  what wonderful things lie inside them? do they know this flesh hides more than their love of self but their sole's purpose?"

Today more than ever it's struggle and I think it might be easier to get into real estate with my family make a lot of money or do something less meaningful but more consistent and the truth remains when you love what you do - it picks you.

I hope you'll consider sending this on. I can help and would love to help but I am only seeking those who are ready to do the hard work, find the right place to go and do it for the right reasons. Those unwilling, unmotivated need not apply this work I do is n

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