Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gold Medal Moments

Continuing the Training vs. Trying conversation - I ask you to think about the Olympics. This past week watching all the events has been so exciting. I think of all the hard work they do to have one or two minutes of hopeful glory. I watch each coach hope that all their direction and hard work will help their athlete win. I know the feeling of watching someone you coach and the desire to see them win. I want you to win. I need you to win. The two reasons winning is important to me is- 1) I want you to have a gold medal moments. Many coaches become coaches because they started out as competitiors. They have been there, made mistakes, taken falls and even stared failure in the face. I think for many coaches it's also another way to keep the love and desire for success of the process alive. Knowing something that can help someone succeed is truly powerful and sharing it devine. I have had gold medal moments- the feeling inside that all the work I did paid off. The strong desire to cry or scream because I did something I never thought I could do. Those moments where people say things to you that make you feel like you can walk on air. Do you want to have Gold Medal moments?
The second reason winning is important to me is it changes what level you compete at and makes success more challenging. Challenging is what moves us to better and greater things. Many of the athletes won in their state and then nationally and now they compete in the Olympics. I doubt any of them said I think I will try and make it to the Olympics without the local or national competition. I think they all committed to the work and used each success as permission to dream bigger.

The most important thing to me about the success is having someone you trust coach you. I hope each of those athletes have chosen trainers and coaches they trust. The people who help them go to the next level. Hopefully in all our years of life (no matter how young) we have learned you get no where with out the help of others. I love what I do I say that over and over again each day not because I need to believe it but because I do, I really do. I hope many of you work with me because you know that but more important because you trust me. I wonder how many athletes train and wonder if the coach knows what they are doing? Do they just hire someone because they seem nice? Do you work hard for some one you don't trust? And if you haven't hired me then why not?

Because I want you to have gold medal moments I need you to trust the trainer, commit the training program and trust the process. Be an athlete who hired the best in hopes for the best! Follow the training plan and don't let the competition make you second guess. Second guessing is something we all do it's natural but what makes the difference is the people who stick to the training plan and see the results and the ones who use second guessing to give up. Have some gold medal moments.

*this blog was written by a trainer who loves what she does. Being a better writer would not best serve her skills which is training. Please read this blog with consideration for the writer who is a trainer and not a writer. (practice makes perfect) Forgive errors and read content for substance. Thank you.


  1. Thank you, Jolene, for what you do. I haven't lost much weight yet (could be the beer!) but I have seen dramatic changes in how I feel and my endurance.

    When I started working with you, my body hurt every day. A lot. I could walk up one flight of stairs and feel winded. I was grieving the death of my daughter from cancer. And everything in my life felt bleak.

    Now, I still have the almost daily twinge from a torn rotator cuff, however, I can trot up to my 3rd floor office with a basket of sheets in my arms, while talking on the phone and have only the slightest bit of breathlessness.

    During my time with you I have also been doing some far infrared treatments and massage to reduce the inflammation, but the physical activity has been very important in this process. Since I have never been an athlete, having your encouragement and challenge has been essential. Without you these the encourage me (ie, kick my butt) I would be doing less. Sometimes I work out crying the whole time. Sometimes I am fine. There have been times that my body hurt so badly that all I could do was stretch. And you helped me to stretch out and feel so radically better afterward. Without you there encouraging me spiritually, I might still be a lump of grief. I'm not the one who is dead, so I intend to live. Out loud. Wide open. To do less is just unacceptable. Playing small is not allowed. For me, anyway. You know that about me and challenged me.

    Thank you for helping me to step up. To thrive. To win.

    Pam Hauser

  2. Oh let me count the ways that I admire you a trainer, a Mom, a Christian, a comedian, an athlete, a competitor, a fiercely loving and sassy wife, a risk taker, a true visionary, a thoughtful friend, an inspiration, a fearless leader, an incredible, incredible wellspring of knowledge. And the list goes one.

    In all the times we have met, whether it's to have you kick my butt into shape in your home gym, run on the parkway, celebrate a holiday , ok or the Superbowl, or walk the dogs at the lake ~ I always leave your presence amazed. Amazed that you know so thoroughly the intricate threads of how the body and mind connect and function, amazed at how selfless you are-tirelessly taking time to do the right thing for others, amazed at the level of energy you have, and amazed that you are so down to Earth, so relatable, so able to laugh at yourself, talk about your personal challenges, and tirelessly inspire each of us day in and day out.

    Ok so maybe I haven't lost the all the weight that I wanted to (yet), and maybe my eating habits aren't worthy of an Oxygen special, but perhaps like Pam you have given me: hope, a stronger belief in myself, faith that I can persevere, a more exciting workout routine and perhaps most importantly a tweak in my confidence. Your trust, your words, your honesty and your inspiration mean a great deal to me, especially when at times I don't really want to go to the Y at 9pm after a glass of wine, or put down that warm, sweet smelling donut that's dancing around my office.

    Jolene you're simply the best! It's obvious that you deeply love what you do, and I love you for it!

    *Please disregard any spelling or grammatical errors, I've never been particularly strong in the writing arts.
