Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Difference between training and trying!

This is important and I think it's important enough to spend a few blogs talking about the difference between training and trying and how, I hope, it can help you.
We all want to be successful and hope when we set a goal we will achieve it. However, often times we are simply "trying". For example, " I am going to try this new diet or this new workout plan." But when we "try" or say we are going to try we often don't have a plan and don't really have any expectation. 'Try" is defined as a test or an attempt and when it comes to changing your life and losing weight but who wants a take a test they have failed before? When you test yourself did you do your homework or study the facts prior to taking this test? We hear a lot about popular diets but a little like reading your horoscope will this really be good for everyone? Do you know what you need? What types of diets haven't worked? What are the success rates on this diet you choose? Would training be a better approach to success and if so training has a different approach. The winter Olympics are coming and many of those athletes have been training for many years. They have training plans and programs they follow to insure a higher level of success. Training requires looking at strengths and weaknesses and identifying which ones have a greater impact and training to overcome the weakness to be stronger and more successful.
Let's start there! Do you know your strengths and weaknesses as it applies to weight loss and living healthy?As a trainer I know people often dismiss their weight issues as simply not eating right and not exercising - I agree these are mitigating factors but have you tried to look at what it is that has kept you from succeeding? Have you tried to identify and map what happens between the beginning and the end? Over the next few weeks we will look at the steps to training and succeeding. This first one is to look at what hasn't worked and take those off the training plan. Don't just "try" and commit to changing your life begin training! Start by working on what hasn't worked and what has. Think about the cycle you have been in and change the training plan.
So take time to write about your strengths and weaknesses. Look at what works and make that training plan for yourself. Of course if you need help hire the Telephone fitness trainer and get there! Either way without a map you won't know when you get to where you are going.

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